
博彩平台推荐开发了一个基于网络的 校园日历 来宣传亚洲体育博彩平台学校组织的活动, departments, offices, centers, libraries, 注册的学生团体. These events are open to the University community and, in most cases, the public.


  • 通过桌面或移动设备查看事件.
  • Search for, or filter, events by day, unit, type, interest, audience, or sponsor.
  • 将事件添加到您的个人日历(例如.g.、谷歌、Outlook).
  • 在社交媒体上分享事件.
  • 在邮件或QR码中包含事件url.
  • Upload photos and graphics to highlight speakers or topics.
  • Make events viewable to the Clark community only with a Clark sign-on and password.
  • Connect your events to other department calendars, avoiding duplication of events.
  • Work with University Marketing and Communications to create categories or tags, which will create a URL for related events across the university (e.g., DEI events, International Education Week events, etc.).
  • 把你的事件写进亚洲体育博彩平台的主目录 校园日历 (如果他们相遇) guidelines)或只出现在部门日历上.


Clark’s 主校园日历 是面向更广泛的校园社区的, in most cases, the public, and showcases the vibrancy and diversity of academic and campus life.

由于这些原因, the Campus Calendar Team in Clark’s Marketing and Communications Office has developed 包含事件的指南 在主校园日历vs. those that would be included only in your department calendar.


将事件添加到亚洲体育博彩平台的事件中 主校园日历 和/或你的部门日历, 你必须有权限, 并接受过培训, Clark’s WordPress content management system — the same interface we use to create and update web pages at Clark.

几乎所有的办公室, departments, 中心/机构, and programs have at least one person who has been trained to edit and update their unit’s web pages; they are called website administrators. 作为亚洲体育博彩平台WordPress培训的一部分, website administrators have learned how to input and update calendar events.

If you are unsure whether you have access to WordPress and the 校园日历, 或者想知道你们部门谁有权限, contact the Campus Calendar Team in Marketing and Communications at calendar@marnigoldshlag.net.


Marketing and Communications may edit your events in the 主校园日历 to ensure they are:

  • Consistent
  • 没有错误
  • 遵循日历/大学编辑风格
  • Following the 活动指南 被列入主校园日历


Faculty and staff trained to use the Clark WordPress content management system also can input calendar events via their department websites. They do this by signing into WordPress with their Clark username and password.

First, you need to ask your department chair or office director whether you or someone else in your office should have WordPress/calendar privileges to input events and make changes on your department’s website.

Next, if you have the go-ahead, you will need access to the WordPress website and calendar system. You also will need to attend a training session to learn how to use both.

建立访问和安排培训, contact the Campus Calendar Team in Marketing and Communications at calendar@marnigoldshlag.net.

We offer guidelines 哪些活动适合大学举办 主校园日历. We also offer a list of events that are not appropriate.

Absolutely! For training, contact the Campus Calendar Team in Marketing and Communications at calendar@marnigoldshlag.net.

Student clubs are encouraged to input and promote their club meetings through the 让日历,它需要一个Clark登录来查看事件.

However, if a registered student organization has an event that is open to everyone on campus and/or the public, we encourage you to contact the Campus Calendar Team in Marketing and Communications at calendar@marnigoldshlag.net 供考虑纳入 主校园日历. Examples of student events that might appeal to a broader campus audience or the public: plays and musicals, 喜剧和舞蹈表演, etc.

不,但我们强烈鼓励这样做. 通过将你的活动列入校园日历:

  • 你可能会吸引更多的人参加你的活动.
  • Your event may be selected to be featured on Clark’s 事件登录页 或ClarkNow出版物.
  • You will curb the multiple event emails sent out to campus.
  • You will curb the amount of paper used to print posters.
  • You may find that it’s easier to know what’s happening on campus — and therefore avoid scheduling your event at the same date and time as other campus events.

The 事件登录页 is where Marketing and Communications identifies and promotes a handful of events happening on campus. 我们通过搜索来识别这些事件 主校园日历.

Human Resources no longer emails non-HR-related events to the campus. You are encouraged to share your event through the 校园日历 instead.

Yes! If you have social media or a website for your department or program, we encourage you to share your event there; you can just share your event URL from the 校园日历 (ideally, 拉照片). You also can share your event URL in emails to the faculty, staff, 还有你们系的学生, 如果你有的话, 在你的博客或时事通讯中. Finally, the Clark Web Team can help you think about new ways to highlight your events on your department website.


If you have questions about the calendar or guidelines, contact the Campus Calendar Team in Marketing and Communications at calendar@marnigoldshlag.net.